
Slow Food International

Slow Food is a global movement acting together to ensure good, clean and fair food for all.

We cultivate a worldwide network of local communities and activists who defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education as well as the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills, and influence policies in public and private sectors.

Global Bean projects we are involved in:

We can offer:

The connection with an international network of legumes lovers and activists, Slow Beans, which includes farmers, cooks and young enthusiasts. An international platform for discussions in our physical and digital events.

We seek:

Activists with whom collaborate in supporting to the Slow Beans efforts to preserve and promote legumes biodiversity!

In the Global Bean network since:
July 2022


Multiplication of Legume Seeds

"For small quantities, shelling can be done by hand. For larger quantities, you can beat the pods with a stick. You can also walk on them." Learn how to properly multiply your bean, faba bean and pea seeds!

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Exploring Bean Diversity

Beans (phaseolus) are the most important legumes of the world - and probably the most diverse and beautiful pulses. At the occasion of World Pulses Day 2022, Patrick Kaiser from Genbänkle, Germany, leads us through the history and diversity of beans.

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The Global Bean Project enters a new phase

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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Legumes In School Canteens 

Have you ever thought about what they cook in school cafeterias (and how)? The cost of good, healthy food doesn’t have to be unsustainable. The case of Qualità & Servizi, which prepares 9,000 meals a day for schools on the Florence plain, is a good practice example. Today instead we address a different aspect, in certain respects even more striking: namely the fact that this model may be replicated everywhere.

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