

Building on the many inspiring seed and plant initiatives already implemented across Europe, Seeds4All promotes and facilitates their cooperation, while seeking to mobilise food professionals, policy makers and consumers around the urgent need to enhance agrobiodiversity. Our work methodology is designed to promote and support sustainable seed practices through documentation, communication and awareness-raising activities (field visits, publication of audio-visual reportages, policy monitoring analysis, organisation of workshops and conferences, etc.)

Global Bean projects we are involved in:

We can offer:

Visibility and promotion of agrobiodiversity enhancing initiatives on our website, social networks and newsletter; networking support; experience sharing; organisation of events and workshops around agrobiodiversity; policy monitoring and analysis.

We seek:

Partnerships with regional organisations; networking; promotion; voluntary contribution to enrich the census of agrobiodiversity enhancing initiatives

In the Global Bean network since:
July 2022



The Global Bean Project enters a new phase

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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Let’s talk Global Bean!

Romain Elleboudt, of the Global Beans Project told Seeds4all more about the ambitions and structure of the network, as well as its positions regarding recent European declarations.

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Legumes & protein crops production in the EU

Suddenly, everyone is interested in the crops we grow and import in Europe. The war in Ukraine has really focused our minds on feeding people – or is that feeding animals? Legumes & protein crops production in the EU Agriculture in Europe is highly dependent on…

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