
open house e.V.

Our organisation started 2011 with the first German seed-festival. Since them we celebrate annual seed-festivals.

We organise seed exchange meetings, lectures about heirloom varieties and seed saving.

Our main focus is spreading information and seeds.

Global Bean projects we are involved in:

We can offer:

Seedsavers network and seeds in small scale, spreading information. Bean exhibition with posters about history, varieties and species, cultivation and 100 samples in wooden boxes.

We seek:

Exchange of experience.

In the Global Bean network since:
July 2022


Soybean - cover

Soybean – Edamame

Did you know that you can easily grow soybeans in your european garden? From the most suitable soil, the plant's most common diseases, its characteristics and the best harvesting time, find everything you need to know for successfully growing edamame.

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The Role of Legumes in the Climate Crisis

Legumes can play a significant role in the context of the climate crisis due to their unique characteristics including nitrogen-fixing root nodules and high levels of protein. In this event, we learnt more about this fascinating topic. Take a look at the recording and find out about some of the ways in which legumes can

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Intercropping – The Power of Plant Collaboration

Legumes with their nitrogen fixing potential are ideal partners in many intercropping systems. Experts in intercropping discuss beneficial effects of intercropping, practical results and motivation to adopt intercropping practices on the route to sustainable agriculture and gardening.

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The Global Bean Project enters a new phase

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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Edamame With Sweet Potatoes

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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