
Legume Hub Community

The purpose of the Legume Hub is to empower all interested in the development of legume crop production and use by providing multi-lingual access to validated knowledge. It is a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge and successful practices across value chains, from plant breeding, on-farm activities, through to processing and consumption. The Hub features content in various forms, like videos, written articles and images.

Global Bean projects we are involved in:

We can offer:

Self-publication platform, dissemination of publications, access to knowledge, sharing experiences, exchange with practitioners, presentation of members through a public profile.

We seek:

Collaborations and partnerships, contributions.

In the Global Bean network since:
July 2022


Global Field Attiswil

On the 2,000 m² field in Attiswil, the world's most important 50 or so arable crops are grown in the proportions in which they grow on the world's 1.4 billion hectares of arable land. “Beans” are the annual topic in 2022 with little show gardens, installations and events.

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The Global Bean Project enters a new phase

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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Chili Sin Carne

On the 2,000 m² field in Attiswil, the world's most important 50 or so arable crops are grown in the proportions in which they grow on the world's 1.4 billion hectares of arable land. “Beans” are the annual topic in 2022 with little show gardens, installations and events.

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Tavče Gravče

On the 2,000 m² field in Attiswil, the world's most important 50 or so arable crops are grown in the proportions in which they grow on the world's 1.4 billion hectares of arable land. “Beans” are the annual topic in 2022 with little show gardens, installations and events.

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Bean Hummus

On the 2,000 m² field in Attiswil, the world's most important 50 or so arable crops are grown in the proportions in which they grow on the world's 1.4 billion hectares of arable land. “Beans” are the annual topic in 2022 with little show gardens, installations and events.

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