GPDA is a civil society organisation based in south Ethiopia. Since 1993 GPDA has been serving the community in different sectors such as agricultural extension, improvement of health facilities, construction of school, roads, water and involved in activities like environmental protection.
We are implementing a project called ''agroforestry in rural Ethiopia for sustainable development of people and nature'' in partnership with Lions Deutschland(SDL) and Antonia Ruut Stiftung (ARS).
The main objective of our project is enhancing agroforestry in rural Ethiopia through training 7,000 small scale farmers. We support farmer training centers and nurseries with equipment and capacity building trainings.
We trained more than 3,000 small scale farmers, hundred thousands of trees are planted, more than 50 hectares of unusable land is gained, more than 20 hectare is covered with fast growing trees such as highland and lowland bamboo.
Three new nurseries are established and are going to produce tree seedlings. Ftcs are training small scale farmers for sustainable development of their families and environment
Promotion, Networking and Training on farming of pulses, legumes and bean. Seed exchange, supporting materials for publication and translation in to Amharic language (official language of Ethiopia). Cooking and recipes of pulses, legumes, and bean in Ethiopian context/traditional cooking.
International networking and exposure for seed saving and banking, seed exchange, cooking, participation on meetings and events. Cooperation with people who are working on cooking books and publication.
October 2022