
Meet the Global Bean Partners: Chelsea Didinger (A Legume a Day)

Photo by A Legume a Day

Please introduce yourself and tell us about how your work relates to legumes. How did you first fall in love with legumes?

Hello everyone, my name is Chelsea Didinger. I just completed my PhD in Nutrition, and my research was on beans and other pulses. I chose to focus on beans/pulses because I truly believe they are the perfect food to simultaneously benefit human and environmental health, all while demonstrating incredible culinary versatility! The more I learn about beans, the more I fall in love with them, and the more I am amazed at their potential to help address many of the global challenges we face.

Can you describe a project that you’ve worked on recently that you’ve been excited about?

My doctoral research was something I really enjoyed! One aspect of my PhD work was the design of a Bean Toolkit of resources and a class for consumers. The goal of the Bean Toolkit was to motivate and inspire people to eat more beans so that we can all reap the benefits for human and environmental well-being. I also developed the Bean Cuisine. You can read more about my research, recipes, and more on my outreach platform, A Legume a Day.

When it comes to legumes, what do you think are the biggest challenges a) for producers and b) for consumers?

There are so many factors at play here, and it depends on various circumstances, such as where producers and consumers live in the world. One challenge for producers can be having access to reliable processing equipment, as well as markets for diverse bean types. Another challenge can be controlling weed pressure. On the consumer end, I think one barrier to enjoying more beans is not realizing just how versatile they are. Once you know – and have tasted! – how beans can truly be included in any meal, which helps make it easier to eat them more often, thereby allowing us to better reap all the many benefits beans have to offer.

What facts about legumes do you think are useful in promoting them?

There are so many facts about legumes that can help promote them, including the wide array of benefits for people and the planet! However, at the end of the day, most of us are looking for tasty, convenient, and affordable food. So, I think it is critical to ensure that we have these options and that people are aware of their existence and how to access and take advantage of them.

Do you have a favourite legume? If so, why?

It is way too hard to pick a favorite! I enjoy a wide variety of legumes, and that is part of the fun! 😊

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