
Fasouliya Stew

© Cèdre Blanc

Colourful food, lots of freshness, lots of vitamins, lots of nature! Guaranteed authentic food like my mother and grandmother used to prepare! Whether brunch, lunch, or dinner, you will always have fond memories of our delicatessen and will definitely recommend it to others ! Only fresh, only delicious, only homemade!


  • 100 g each of several types of beans (small white, black, giant, kidney, etc… )
  • 100 g tomatoes per 100 g of cooked beans
  • tomato paste
  • Maghmour spice = 5 spice mixture CÈDRE BLANC style: cumin, caraway, pepper, cinnamon, allspice.


  1. Wash your beans and soak them individually in about 2.5 to 3 times the amount of water overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, simmer on low heat until they are soft. Beans with the same cooking time can be cooked together (For this, the cooking time must be determined experimentally!).
  2. Chop the tomato, and sauté tomato pieces in the saucepan, then simmer. Tomato paste can enhance the tomato flavour and thicken the sauce somewhat.
  3. Add the beans and season with Maghmour spice
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